Singapore Mahjong, known for its unique rules and captivating gameplay, stands out in the Mahjong world. Blending classic elements with innovative designs, it offers players a distinctive experience. From the banker system to rules like “leaking a win” and dynamic scoring, each element enriches Singapore Mahjong. This article explores its rules, special regulations, and additional scenarios.

Game Rules

Tile Types and Wind Positions

Singapore Mahjong uses a total of 136 tiles, including characters, bamboo, dots, East, South, West, North winds, Red Dragon, Green Dragon, and White Dragon. The game starts with the banker receiving 14 tiles, while other players get 13. The banker discards the least useful tile first, and other players have the right to claim it, with priority given to Pong > Chow. Pong takes precedence over Chow.

Draw and Banker Rotation

If the banker wins or the game ends in a draw, the next round’s banker remains the same as the previous round. If a non-banker wins, the player to the banker’s right becomes the new banker.

Definition of Scoring Units (“Fan”)

Singapore Mahjong uses “Fan” as the scoring unit, with each Fan equivalent to a 2x multiplier in points. There is a “burst win” (maximum limit) rule, where scoring Fan is capped after reaching a certain threshold.

Tile Combinations and Scoring Units

Regular Tile Combinations and Fan Units

  • Chicken Hand (Ji Hu): 0 Fan
  • Regular Win (Ping Hu): 1 Fan
  • Pong Pong Hu: 2 Fan
  • Half Flush (Hun Yi Se): 2 Fan

Special Tile Combinations and Fan Units

  • Full Flush (Qing Yi Se): 4 Fan
  • Mixed Pong (Hun Peng): 4 Fan
  • Flush Pong (Qing Peng): 5 Fan
  • Mixed Terminals (Hun Yao Jiu): 5 Fan
  • Little Three Dragons (Xiao San Yuan): 5 Fan
  • All Honors (Zi Yi Se): 6 Fan
  • Pure Terminals (Qing Yao Jiu): 6 Fan
  • Big Three Dragons (Da San Yuan): 6 Fan
  • Big Four Winds (Da Si Xi): 6 Fan
  • Nine Lanterns (Jiu Lian Bao Deng): 6 Fan
  • Thirteen Orphans (Shi San Yao): 6 Fan

Additional Scenarios

  • Self-Draw: +1 Fan
  • Wind Set Pong: +1 Fan
  • Wind Discard Pong: +1 Fan
  • Dragon Pong: +1 Fan

Special Rules and Winning Conditions

Multiple Winners on One Discard

Allowing multiple winners on one discard, including the banker winning, with the next round’s banker being the same as the current round.

Gang Up for Blossom and Gang Package Rules

Scoring for a “gang up for blossom” (Gang Shang Kai Hua) with less than 3 Fan follows the 3 Fan rule. For more than 3 Fan, it follows the actual tile combination.

Sea Bottom Draw

Winning by drawing the last tile, with scoring following the 3 Fan rule for less than 3 Fan and the actual tile combination for more than 3 Fan.

Package for Self-Draw Rules

If twelve tiles are successfully discarded, the player wins by self-draw. The package rule determines whether to pay or not. Exceptional cases should be handled according to the actual situation.

Robbing the Kong Rules

Winning by claiming a discarded tile from an exposed Kong is allowed, and the scoring for the robber follows the 3 Fan rule for less than 3 Fan and the actual tile combination for more than 3 Fan. Claiming a discarded tile from a concealed Kong is not allowed.

Special Tile Combination Package for Self-Draw

Scoring and package rules for the Pong of Big Four Winds and Pong of Big Three Dragons.

Heavenly Hand, Earthly Hand, and Human Hand

Winning immediately after the banker’s draw is a “Heavenly Hand,” scoring 6 Fan. Winning with the first tile discarded by the banker is a “Human Hand,” and winning with the first self-drawn tile in the first round is an “Earthly Hand.” Both score 6 Fan.